Computer 17930 Beaver Creek Dr. Living Houston, TX 77090-1810 Foundation (713) 444-2541 (voice) (713) 444-2927 (BBS) Network Bulletin Board NBB is distributed as ShareWare by CLF. As such you may distribute copies of the program freely without charge. A user may examine the program without obligation for 30 days. Usage beyond this period may only be made by companies which have registered their copy with CLF and made a donation to CLF (suggested donation - $50 per server). CLF is a Texas non-profit organization providing computer assistance to the severely handicapped. INSTALLATION Copy NBB.exe to a subdirectory on the server that will hold all messages. Execution of the program the first time will create all required files and then prompt the user to restart the program. Each userid is detected as the user logs into the program and the appropriate security level is set for the user. The copy supplied is designed for Novell Netware 3.11. If you have difficulty running it under other operating systems please contact us for a revised version. It is recomended that each user has his config.sys configured with at least FILES=40 , BUFFERS=40 . EXECUTION NBB.exe may be called in two modes. The regular mode is a call from the network menu (we use SABER menu) either from the submenu scripts or from a function key call. You may use a menu program or a batch file to move to the appropriate subdirectory and execute "NBB". NBB may also be executed from the logon batch file in order to process an automatic scan of messages to see if there are any unread bulletins or group messages waiting for the user. To select this mode execute the logon batch with a call to "NBB A". In this mode the regular program menu will not display and there will be an automatic scan for bulletins and messages. If no new items are found the program will exit on its own, otherwise the list of bulletins and messages is presented for reading followed by an exit. SECURITY At the initial start up the only defined user is SUPERVISOR who has full access, including ability to set security levels greater than zero. The minimum required levels to enter group messages is zero (and membership in the group). To enter / edit or delete a general interest message the minimum security level is 10. To enter edit or delete bulletins the minimum security level is 20. To create a new group the minimum security level is 30. The supervisor is defined with a security level of 50. To modify a users initial zero security level the SUPERVISOR or user with 30+ security level should pick the dbf access from utility menu and pick user dbf. Select the proper user using cursor keys (or seek using S command). Alter the field SECLEVEL (off screen to right) to the desired security value. MESSAGES Bulletins GenInterest Group Min Seclevel to read 0 0 0 Min Seclevel to write/edit 20 10 0 Readable in auto mode YES NO YES ADDING MESSAGES Anyone with the proper security level can add bulletins, general interest messages or group messages by choosing the appropriate menu item. The title is entered and the text may be directly entered or may be imported from an ascii file. Text is set for 78 columns per line. Messages may be removed by the author, the group administrator, or automatic expiration after 60 days. ADDING GROUPS A system administrator with level 30 can form new groups, designating the group administrator who has responsibility for adding members if it is a closed group (not freely joinable) and who has the ability of removing group messages (in addition to the author) prior to the automatic 60 day expiration. Once a closed group is formed the group administrator should open the populate menu and tag (with spacebar or F8) all allowed members. For open groups the members can be populated by the administrator or individuals can choose to join on their own from their join menu option. REGISTRATION Please execute the registration routine under the utilities submenu. Since you do not have the password just press ENTER and you will be asked if you want to print a copy of the registration form. Fill in the blanks and send to CLF together with a donation of $50 per server. You will receive by return mail a password to unlock the registration features and allow you to insert your company name in the program. Also you will receive scripts that we have used to allow users on more than one server to have menu access to the same program and databases. CLF CLF is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the handicapped. A brief outline of our projects is available at the exit menu of the program.